Sunday, September 6, 2009

"Macross Frontier: 1/60 VF-25S Armored Messiah Ozma Custom (Part 1)!"

At long last...


Bandai's 1/60 scale VF-25S Armored Messiah Ozma Custom! This belongs to Skull Leader Captain Ozma Lee.


Look at the size of the box, compared to the AA battery and the VF-25G Messiah Michael Custom!


And of coz it costs a bomb too :-S

Battroid mode:


The striking yellow really brings this piece to life. And check out his wicked looking head with 4 antennas~~


The armored compartments carry a tonne of missiles~~


VF-25S posing with VF-25G. Damn... now I feel like getting the VF-25F Alto and RVF-25 Luca to complete Skull squadron :-P

The Armored Messiah fixes almost all the problems faced by the VF-25G. While posing them for the group shot, this happened alot:


Basically the connector for the hip to the body is not strong enough to handle the added weight of the Super Parts. And while you are adjusting it, the hip armor, which has very little grip, keeps falling off. Using the stand helps to reduce the frustration.

In Ozma's case, both problems are fixed and every joint is tight and well-fitting. The Armored parts are much heavier than the Super parts, but I hardly had any problem posing it. However, it introduces new problems (sigh) which will be shown later...

Next: Fighter mode, Gerwalk mode and Armor-less Ozma

1 comment:

Eric said...

Wow. Finally it came...I am so jealous of u..Show us more pictures, Gerwalk and Fighter mode, in FULL ARMOR!!