Saturday, March 17, 2012

"$$$ flowing out"

... on Marvel Universe this time!

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Found a whole new case in Parkson and grabbed 8 out of the 12 :D

Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Star Wars Ep 1 in 3D!!"

... and I watched it on my 3D LED monitor :P

but.. there's a lot of new toys coming in!

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Vintage Wave 1.5!

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1 carton contains 12 figures. I skipped Wave 1 because there was going to be 7 repeats in Wave 1.5.

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The 5 new to Wave 1.5 have a "deleted scenes (Blu ray)" stamp on them, since they are based on those scenes...

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The rest are carry forwards from Wave 1...

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And those not carried forward, I just bought from TRU :P

And these Discover the Force line, with 3D red and blue glasses to view the 3D image behind

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Only selected 8 out of the 12... since the rest are repeats and repacks... :S

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And 2 battle packs! Finally got young Anakin pilot and Sebulba... now to get their racing pods!! :D