Saturday, October 11, 2008

"What the--?!"

During an internal review session, two days ago:
Leopard: "We will perform Test ABC on this task."
Ninja: "No, no, no. I dun understand why u r doing test ABC. You need to do test XYZ."
Leopard: "So, why do we need to do test XYZ...?"
Ninja: "Because the other teams always complain about this failure. So we need to do this and that"
Leopard: "Okaaay...."

Later, during the formal review session with project stakeholder, Robert DeNiro:
Leopard: "We will be performing test XYZ on this task."
Robert: "This is just a prototype. Why are we spending time doing something else?"
Ninja: "We need to adress the failure issue that the other team complain about."
Robert: "But it's not in the scope of this project."
Leopard: "Ok, so we wont do test XYZ."
Ninja: "Then how u want to test this task?"
Leopard: "I think we can use test ABC."
Ninja: "That's why. I don't know why u say we need to do test XYZ."
Leopard: WHAT THE--?!!

Another day working with the Ninja!


twosuperheroes said...

'pusing' fella...$!@#$%

Leopard said...

Heheh.. u haven't seen his expression when he says that some more!

Anonymous said...'s very interesting. You should stand firm on your XYZ test ;) Don't they want to pass the shit to our product team: :(

Leopard said...

Huh... yea man... :-S

Anonymous said...

perform 2 cater for both of them...