Saturday, October 15, 2011

"Marvel! Thor! Captain America!"

Lets welcome Dr Doom, from the Marvel Universe line!

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Don't worry, this line will be purchased very selectively... only figures which have good sculpt/paint/appearance will be inducted into the collection :D Such as this guy, Dr Doom... looks menacing and "generic" enough to fit in any universe.

Lets get an update on the other Marvel collections going on:

1) Thor. Easily my favorite movie of the year. Which is why I'm taking extra effort to complete the main characters:

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Frost Giant, Odinn, Thor. Loki, Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun

I need Sif, the Destroyer and probably King Loki as well. Maybe a few more Frost Giants might make it look even more interesting ;)

2) Captain America. It's a nice enough movie, although kinda draggy towards the end.

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Hydra (Dark Threat), Hydra soldier, Red Skull, Crossbones, Captain America, Winter Soldier

The Hydra soldiers are perfect for army building... if u can find more! Distribution from Hasbro again sucks to the max, as it did with Thor's line. The shelves are overloaded with multiple versions of Captain America. Come one, let loose on the cool figures!

And now, with the Avengers trailer already out, we can look forward to another round of Marvel fest next year! Avengers Assemble!!

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