Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Transformers DOTM: Jetwing Optimus Prime!"

If there's one thing that I liked about Transformers Dark of the Moon (DOTM) is the scene where Optimus flies in with his jet-wing pack blasting Decepticons away. Of course, he ended up getting caught by hanging wires, which was pretty silly!

Takara Tomy has a toy based on that scene (flying in, not getting caught in the wires) and it's one wicked badass figure! Check out these pics taken from their website:


This would make one mean display!! I'd really like to get one of these, except the price is over RM5xx :-S Hmm.. maybe they'll release a smaller and cheaper version soon?


Eric said...

Oh, I thought you have got it :P

Leopard said...

It's playing in my head rite now... or everytime i go to uncle's shop..hhaha... RM529.90 ler..