Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Happy CNY 2011!"

It's the rabbit year!

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the icon for this year ..haha

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Since CNY falls on Thursday and Friday, we were back in Melaka the week before for a very long break~~

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New deco for the house

And on the eve was the prayer and offerings ceremony:
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With loads of food to last for the next few days!

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Yearly date at Sab's house:
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Dinner at Dragon Deluxe with the Gang:
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Dinner at Good New World with family:
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Eat eat eat... after came back from CNY, seems to have gained a few kg :S

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Bro brought his gf to meet the family..heheh... I think I better find a new house to move soon!

Yum cha and photo posing at Riverbank cafe:
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my fav shot of my fav models..:P


Location just by Melaka river.. nice~~

And a few hours after that, we were back in Penang dy... arrghhh... CNY over so soon. Hopefully next time CNY is in the middle of the week, so that won't have to go back so early!