Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Experimenting with new setup (and preview)"

Now with the new D3000, I'm trying to take "better" shots of my two latest acquisitions:

1) Sega's Evangelion 2.0 Ayanami Rei!

DSC_0075 (Small)

2) Bandai's DX Chogokin VF-25F Tornado Messiah!

DSC_0128 (Small)

Notice the background is now plain white. This is because I placed 2 white cardboards; one to cover the wall, the other to cover the base.

How is it? Not very attractive, rite? I thought so too...

The pictures came out dark and has that "cheap" look :( Wonder what is wrong. Anyway, this weekend will be going back to Melaka for long holiday, so the earliest chance to try snapping again is the following weekend :-S


shirley said...

Maybe lighting tak cukup la.. you know la how dark inside the house! :p

Leopard said...

2nd round of trying still not good yet... sigh...