Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"CM's Macross Collection Part 1 '09"

Shopkeeper put out a new case of CM's Macross Collection Part 1. Each box is RM24.90: just grab it! However, these are blind packaged a.k.a. the "u don't know which figure u are getting until u open it". But he said if I wanted the whole set of six figures I can open them :P


I was surprised, these are pretty big, detailed, and well-painted. And they really look like the characters from the anime!


Lynn Minmei & Hikaru Ichijo ~~ yeah, the main reason for getting these figures! Minmei is in her outfit from the finale of Macross: DYRL, and it's really superbly crafted, with the separate layers of (plastic) cloth!


Mylene Jenius (from Macross 7) and Ishtar (from Macross 2: Lovers again)


Mao Nome (from Macross Zero) and the secret figure Lynn Minmei doll.

The stand kinda sucked as u have to adjust them to hold the figures, like a balancing act. I prefer Bandai's Macross Frontier stands.


shirley said...

so girlish..... like barbie doll..

Leopard said...

need to get the other set, more guys to balance out :P