Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Life in Plantation... Monday Tuesday"

You know the drill.... another week....................... -_-''

Monday Chilli's
N.Y. Strip..... 16.99 :P

Unfortunately, I ordered MEDIUM, but it came almost RAW :-S So when u cut, there's blood........ ugh... didn't like it too much, so I brought home to microwave it! Even more unfortunate, after heat up, it became WELL-DONE! Hahaha, next time order something else!

Tuesday.... an Italian restaurant! Not many people stayed back late, except us coz we are on a cost-saving run! :P

Ordered Grilled Halibut... mmmm.....
Superb. 17.99!! Ketuk them kau2 :P Although that thing looks like rice, it's not! It's some kind of pasta thing...

And a Diet Pepsi to accompany it... some ppl here are very health conscious!

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