Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"Iron Man collection"

After writing the last post on Iron Man, I was curious to actually see the difference between the Mark III and Mark IV armor, so I went to buy the Hall of Armor Collection version of Mark III. Thankfully there was still one left and at a slashed price of RM39.90 (from RM69.90)~~

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This version has a stand, just like how Tony displayed it in his house.

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...with a blue LED!

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Ok, at first glance, the colors deceive... but look closer and we will find that they are almost completely different! The Mark IV armor is far sleeker and streamlined.

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In fact, Mark III is more closely related to Mark II, as it's sort of a repainted version.

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Mark IV and Mark VI share the most similarity; only the change of the chest-piece and some additional silver markings.

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Finally the completed Mark I to VI collection, with Iron Monger and War Machine thrown in...

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