Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Do you remember... Indiana Jones!"

Once upon a time, Indiana Jones fans rejoiced when George Lucas and Steven Spielberg announced the 4th Indiana Jones movie: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (KOTCS). Many expected this to be the last Indy movie as Harrison Ford isn't getting any younger. The casting of Shia LaBeof as Indy's sidekick seemed like a hand-over ceremony of the Indy role to a younger actor. But we all got a pleasant surprise when it was still Harrison Ford who kicked ass as the 60 year-old Indy!

In conjunction with the movie release was the launching of the toy line. Hasbro indicated that the duration from the movie announcement to the release date was too short, so they had a very tight schedule to develop and release the toy line. So it's no wonder that the first 2 waves that came out were simply.... awful. Sculpting of the figures, especially the head was poor. The paint job was even worse. I had a hard time selecting the figures with acceptable quality.

Here's my collection...

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull:

Mutt Williams, Indy

Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett) and her soldiers

Ugha warrior, Indy with fedora removed and Cemetery warrior

The Jungle Cutter

And from the first Indy movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark, which starts off with an intro to Indy as he tries to retrieve the Fertility Idol. Hasbro made 2 sets based on that scene

Oops...! :P

"Snakes... I hate snakes"

Indy, Marion Ravenwood

Monkey man and Cairo thugs

Searching for the Ark of the Covenant... Indy in disguise, Sallah and German soldiers

German troop car

Indy on horse

German soldier on bike

Chasing the Cargo truck!

And Rene Belloq discovers the secret of the Ark!

But soon it became clear that the line was headed for cancellation. Kids just weren't into Indy. The remaining 2 waves, from The Last Crusade and Temple of Doom, were very scarce. I don't think they ever made it here. A 5th wave, with more core characters from ROTLA, was cancelled and Hasbro said they would only revive it if there is a 5th Indy movie. Come on Lucas & Spielberg! :P

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