"Hi Wong, your Star Wars Basic Figures have arrived. Pls come and collect."
Ooo... That's nice! Maybe I'll go tomoro...
But after the dinner, felt like driving around town and listening to radio... then suddenly had an urge to "hey, why wait till tomoro, the shop's jz nearby (it wasn't). Ok, lets go and collect it!"
Wave 7...
Romba & Graak (Ewok Warriors), Anakin Skywalker (Jedi Spirit), Tycho Celchu (A-Wing Pilot)
R2-D2 (with Cargo Net), McQuarrie Signature Series: Concept Han Solo, Clone Trooper (7th Legion Trooper)
Owner: "Here got some more... Wave 7.5"
Leopard: "Wow, that's great."
R2-B1 (Naboo Astromech Droid), Naboo Soldier (Royal Naboo Army), Rebel Vanguard Trooper (Star Wars: Battlefront)
Pax Bonkik (Rodian Podracer Mechanic), Clone Trooper (Training Fatigues), Padmé Amidala (Naboo Senator)
Owner: "And here also... Wave 8."
Leopard: (silence... sweat rolling down... mentally calculating whether enuf cash in the wallet)
Jango Fett (Bounty Hunter), Voolvif Monn (Jedi Master), Destroyer Droid (Droideka)
Owner: "This one you want? Also got just came."
Leopard: (ok, no need to calculate dy, definitely not enough cash!) "Err... let me go down to the ATM for awhile.."
AT-RT Assault Squad BattlePacks
And the bill...........
Carried two big plastic bags while walking home... Man, sure go home kena scold one!
your "fever" reach the critical stage.
anyway this is good. the resale value will be high after 10, 20 years later.
Keep the MOMENTUM man!
Good job.
Hope the ppl scolding you on that nite won't ask u "keep yourself away from this WM"
Jackal says:
i was just going thru ur blog
Jackal says:
looking at the star wars figs
Jackal says:
then i realize...
Jackal says:
who the fug gives a damn abt Pax Bonkik...a rodian podracer mechanic!!!
Jackal says:
i wouldn't glance twice at him
Jackal says:
such a fuggin weird name..Bonkik
Jackal says:
like Konkek
Jackal says:
then i realize...
Jackal says:
only a crazy cow like u man
Jackal says:
jerkin off looking at Pax Bonkik kena konkek
Jackal says: :D
KCB The Jackal
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