Sakae Sushi, Queensbay Mall: Karam and ZH's farewell among DSP team, past and present. Attendees: Cow, ZH (obviously), CY, LK, Pet, Fren2 & wife, Sazali, WM, Keith, dunno-who and Leopard. This is probably the first time in almost a year that everyone manage to sit down together!

Cow, Pet, dunno-who, Keith, ZH, LK, WM, Leopard
Cow, Pet, dunno-who, Keith, ZH, LK, WM, Leopard
Eh, what's Keith and ZH up to....?
wat the-- ?!
"Hoi! Don't touch my girl!!"
Hahah... Cow, dun get jealous, ZH is always "yours"... :P (sick!)
Okok... some other pics...
Fren2 and wife...
Sazali, Cow....
GOOD pet.... Eh, pets not allowed la... :P
Next: Guy's nite out.... (not much time left, quick, quick organize!!) :D
In Sakae Sushi? :)
That guy you don't know who is actually my USM coursemate Kokwah Khor-CXM437 :D He should be your senior too ;)
hey where is you and me? no pic?
wat the hell.....bad pet!!!!
if bad...then cannot become pet alr.
Cruel master....always dis-owned "people"
Yup, Sakae... Shit, the guy looks old man, can't imagine he's ur batch one.. :P Some more we were 'selamba' bashing fric and tingtong there.. hope the 3 of them are not frens!
We are side characters, no need la.. :D
eh, relaz la... :D Ok, I re-edit it to be GOOD pet :P Now I re-own you back.. hahaha
can i change the name oso :D
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